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Command-line tutorial for Device Management Client with a UNISOC UIS8908A device

This tutorial covers an end-to-end process for the Device Management Client example application:

  1. Configuring Device Management Client.
  2. Compiling Device Management Client.
  3. Connecting to the Device Management service.
  4. Updating firmware to the device.


This tutorial uses Device Management Client version 4.0.0 or later and UNISOC SDK v8p2.1.


To work with the Device Management Client example application, you need:

  • UIS8908A board with a network connection (requires SIM card with NB-IoT connectivity).

  • SXOS SDK and its build tools installed and set up.

    Note: For access to UIS8908A evaluation boards and the UNISOC SXOS SDK, contact Unisoc through their [email protected] mail address.

  • Serial connection to your device with open terminal connection (baud rate 115200, 8N1).

  • Mbed CLI 1.10.0 or later installed. See installation instructions.

    • All components must fit the requirements in the pip package requirements.txt list from Arm Mbed OS.
  • An access key (with Administrators group privileges) for your Device Management account.

Configuring Device Management Client

  1. Clone the Pelion Device Management Client Example application's GitHub repository to your local computer under the SXOS sdk/soft folder, and navigate to the new folder:

    mbed import https://github.com/PelionIoT/mbed-cloud-client-example
    cd mbed-cloud-client-example
  2. Download a developer certificate from Device Management Portal.

  3. Copy the mbed_cloud_dev_credentials.c file to the root folder of the example application.

  4. Create update-related configuration and credentials using the manifest-tool python package:

    1. Upgrade to manifest-tool version 2.1.1 or higher:
      pip install --upgrade manifest-tool
    2. Initialize the developer environment:
      manifest-dev-tool init --access-key <Device Management access key>
  5. Configure the NB-IoT bands according to your local regulations.

Compiling Device Management Client

To compile the example application:

cd ../ (navigate back to the `sdk/soft` folder)
export PROJ_ROOT=<SDK root directory>
source /opt/CSDTK/cygenv.sh .
. env/launch.sh
  <select 4 as build target>
  <select defaults (press enter) for rest of the selections>
ctmake -C toolpool/blfota
ctmake dbmerge EXTERNAL_APP_FOLDER=mbed-cloud-client-example DISABLE_DEFAULT_PRINTF=1 MBEDTLS_USER_CONFIG=mbed-cloud-client-example/mbed-cloud-client/mbed-client-pal/Configs/mbedTLS/mbedTLSConfig_SXOS_SW_TRNG.h

Flashing the binary to the device

See SXOS SDK instructions to flash the binary to the device.

Connecting and performing a firmware update on your device

Checking the device connection and obtaining the Device ID

  1. Press the Reset button to restart the device.
  2. Obtain your device's Device ID from device console log.

The terminal gives the following information when the Client has successfully connected:

Client registered
Endpoint Name: <Endpoint name>
Device Id: <Device ID>

To check with Device Management Portal:

  1. Open Device Management Portal.
  2. Navigate to Device directory.
  3. When your devices are listed, they are connected and available.

Your device is now connected and ready for the firmware update.

Updating the firmware

SXOS supports delta updates by default. Create new firmware and obtain the delta package using the SXOS delta generator tool (follow the SXOS SDK instructions).

manifest-dev-tool update-v1 \
    --payload-path <delta package file name.lod> \
    --device-id <Device ID>

After downloading the firmware, the device reboots automatically and registers to Device Management.

Setting LTE bands to SXOS NB-IoT

The SXOS build of the mbed-cloud-client-example application uses NB-IoT. Before using it, you must configure the module to use correct LTE bands according to your country regulations.

  • An example on reading the current band configuration from the NB-IoT module:

    #include <cs_types.h>
    extern void nbiot_nvGetSupportBand(u8 *pBandNum, u8 band[]);
    void get_sxos_band(void) {
        UINT8 band[7] = {0};
        UINT8 bandNum = 0;
        /* Get current band config */
        nbiot_nvGetSupportBand(&bandNum, band);
  • An example on setting up the bands to the NB-IoT module:

    #include <cs_types.h>
    extern void nbiot_nvSetSupportBand(u8 bandNum, u8 band[]);
    extern void nbiot_nvSetSwitchBs(u8 switchBs);
    extern int nvmWriteStatic(void);
    void set_sxos_band(void) {
        // Set bands 3 and 20
        UINT8 band[7] = {3, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        UINT8 bandNum = 2;
        UINT8 switchBs = 1;
        // Enable LTE bands 3 and 20
        // AT+NVSETBAND=2,3,20
        nbiot_nvSetSupportBand(bandNum, band);
        // AT+NVSWITCHBS=1

Note: Restart the board after switching the band.