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Filter operators and built-in attributes

These tables apply to both the APIs and Device Management Portal.

Filter operators

Operator in API and Portal advanced view Operator in Portal simple view Explanation
__eq is equal to Returns results exactly matching a string.
__neq is not equal to Returns results except those exactly matching a string.
__in is in This is similar to __eq, but can support a comma-separated list. Returns results exactly matching any of an array of possible values.
__nin is not in Supports a comma-separated list. Returns results except those exactly matching any of an array of possible values.
__lte is less than or equal to Returns results less than or equal to a given date-time value.
__gte is greater than or equal to Returns results greater than or equal to a given date-time value.

Device attributes and supported filter operators

Attribute parameter Attribute name in Device Management Portal Supported filter operators
account_id Devices in Portal are automatically sorted by account ID. * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

bootstrap_expiration_date Bootstrap expiration date * in
* nin
* lte
* gte

bootstrapped_timestamp Bootstrapped at * in
* nin
* lte
* gte

ca_id Certificate ID * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

connector_expiration_date Connector expiration date * in
* nin
* lte
* gte

created_at Created at * in
* nin
* lte
* gte

custom_attributes Custom attribute(s) * eq
deployed_state Deployed state * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

deployment Deployment * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

description Description * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

device_class Class ID * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

device_execution_mode Execution mode * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

device_key Device key * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

endpoint_name Endpoint name * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

endpoint_type Endpoint type * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

enrolment_list_timestamp Enrollment list timestamp * in
* nin
* lte
* gte

etag E-tag * eq
* neq
* in
* nin
* lte
* gte

firmware_checksum Firmware checksum * eq
* neq
* in

* nin

groups Not in Portal
host_gateway Gateway host name * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

id Device ID * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

issuer_fingerprint Not in Portal
last_operator_suspended_category Last operator suspension category * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

last_operator_suspended_updated_at Last operator suspension date * in
* nin
* lte
* gte

last_system_suspended_category Last system suspended category * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

last_system_suspended_updated_at Last system suspension date * in
* nin
* lte
* gte

lifecycle_status Lifecycle status * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

manifest Manifest * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

manifest_timestamp Manifest timestamp * in
* nin
* lte
* gte

mechanism Mechanism * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

mechanism_url Mechanism url * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

name Device name * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

operator_suspended Operator suspended * eq
* neq
serial_number Serial number * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

state State * eq
* neq
* in
* nin

system_suspended System suspended * eq
* neq
updated_at Updated at * in
* nin
* lte
* gte

vendor_id Vendor ID * eq
* neq
* in
* nin