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Device Management Client API

This is the Doxygen-generated API documentation for Device Management Client. See the Files section to find the documentation about a specific API. You should also use the Device Management documentation.

The Device Management Client high-level APIs allow developers to create client side applications that connect to Device Management, with LwM2M features as described in the Lightweight Machine to Machine Technical Specification.

Device Management Client is an extension of the existing Mbed Client API. It provides an additional feature of creating a unique identity for the client on the Device Management and also provides functionality to update the client's software through the Device Management service.

These APIs make it possible to:

  • Use a factory flashed or developer credentials to create a unique device identity.
  • Securely communicate with internet services over the industry standard TLS/DTLS.
  • Manage devices.
  • Fully control the endpoint and application logic from the service side.
  • Provide functionality to update the devices over the air remotely controlled from the service side.
  • Have a unified porting layer for porting to different platforms.

The API is in C++ to allow quick application development.