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Tunneling and reverse tunneling

Note: We provide this service for limited availability. To access it, please contact your Pelion representative.

The edge-proxy service acts as a bridge between services on gateways and services on the cloud. It provides tunneling (gateway to cloud) and reverse tunneling (cloud to gateway) services, so gateway- and cloud-based services can communicate with one another.


Gateway-based services

The edge-proxy service provides an entry point of a tunneling service, so gateways can talk to cloud-based services. When the gateway has established a websocket connection to the edge-proxy service, gateway-based services on this gateway are ready to accept the requests from any cloud services sent through the edge-proxy service.

Cloud-based services

The edge-proxy service also provides an entry point of a reverse tunneling service for cloud-based services, so they can establish websocket connections to it and dial into gateways that previously connected to the edge-proxy service. The service pipes all bytes back and forth between origin cloud services and target connected gateway services.

General workflow
