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Protocol translator API V2


file  pt_api.h
 Protocol translator external API V2.
file  pt_certificate_api.h
 API for subscribing certificate renewal notications and renewing certificates.
file  pt_client_api.h
 Contains the interface to create, connect, register, unregister and shut down the protocol translator client. Also contains call declaration of call-back which is called if client is disconnected.
file  pt_crypto_api.h
 API for crypto operations and retrieving certificates and public keys from storage.
file  pt_device_object.h
 A utility header to contain the LwM2M device object ID:3 creation for mediated endpoints.
file  pt_devices_api.h
 Contains the interface to manage multiple devices.
file  pt_userdata_api.h
 Protocol translator API for client's data.

Data Structures

struct  cert_context_s
struct  cert_chain_context_s
struct  protocol_translator_callbacks
 A structure to hold the callbacks of the protocol translator. More...
struct  ptdo_device_object_data
 The device object data ID:3. More...
struct  pt_userdata_s
 Contains fields for client user data. More...


#define CE_STATUS_RANGE_BASE   0x0500
#define CE_STATUS_RANGE_END   0x0600


typedef pt_status_t(* pt_resource_callback) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint16_t object_id, const uint16_t object_instance_id, const uint16_t resource_id, const uint8_t operation, const uint8_t *value, const uint32_t size, void *userdata)
 Callback function prototype for the device resource specific action on OPERATION_WRITE or OPERATION_EXECUTE. More...
typedef void(* pt_resource_value_free_callback) (void *value)
 Callback function prototype for freeing the resource value. More...
typedef void(* pt_device_response_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, void *userdata)
 A function pointer type definition for callbacks given in the device API functions as an argument. This function definition is used for providing success and failure callback handlers. More...
typedef struct pt_certificate_list pt_certificate_list_t
typedef void(* pt_certificate_renewal_notification_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *name, int32_t initiator, int32_t status, const char *description, void *userdata)
 Type definition for certificate renewal notification. This callback will be called to notify the status when a certificate renewal completes. More...
typedef void(* pt_device_certificate_renew_response_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const char *name, int32_t status, struct cert_chain_context_s *cert_chain, void *userdata)
 Type definition for certificate renewal notification for device certificate. This callback will be called to notify the status when a certificate renewal completes for device certificate. More...
typedef pt_status_t(* pt_device_certificate_renew_request_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const char *name, void *userdata)
 Type definition for certificate renewal request handler for device certificate. This callback will be called when the cloud requests a device certificate to be renewed. More...
typedef void(* pt_certificates_set_response_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)
 Type definition for pt_certificate_renewal_list_set response success and failure handlers. More...
typedef void(* pt_certificate_renew_response_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)
 Type definition for pt_certificate_renew response success and failure handlers.
typedef void(* pt_response_handler) (void *userdata)
 A function pointer type definition for callbacks given in the protocol translator API functions as an argument. This function definition is used for providing success and failure callback handlers. More...
typedef void(* pt_connection_ready_cb) (connection_id_t connection_id, const char *name, void *userdata)
 A function prototype for calling the client code when the connection is ready for passing messages. More...
typedef void(* pt_disconnected_cb) (connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)
 A function prototype for calling the client code when the connection is disconnected. More...
typedef void(* pt_connection_shutdown_cb) (connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)
 A function prototype for calling the client code when the connection is shutting down. More...
typedef struct protocol_translator_callbacks protocol_translator_callbacks_t
 A structure to hold the callbacks of the protocol translator.
typedef void(* pt_crypto_success_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const uint8_t *data, const size_t size, void *userdata)
 Type definition for a generic success handler returning a single buffer. More...
typedef void(* pt_crypto_failure_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, int error_code, void *userdata)
 Type definition for a generic failure response handler. More...
typedef pt_crypto_success_handler pt_crypto_get_item_success_handler
 Type definition for pt_crypto_get_item_success_handler response success handler.
typedef void(* pt_crypto_get_item_failure_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)
 Type definition for pt_crypto_get_item_failure_handler response failure handler. More...
typedef struct ptdo_device_object_data ptdo_device_object_data_t
 The device object data ID:3. More...
typedef void(* pt_devices_cb) (connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)
 A function prototype for calling the client code when devices operation (for example: write, register or unregister) is done. More...
typedef void(* pt_userdata_free_cb_t) (void *data)
 The user-supplied memory deallocation function for userdata. More...
typedef struct pt_userdata_s pt_userdata_t
 Contains fields for client user data. More...


enum  pt_ce_status_e {


pt_status_t pt_device_create_with_userdata (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint32_t lifetime, const queuemode_t queuemode, pt_userdata_t *userdata)
 Creates the device structure. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_create_with_feature_flags (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint32_t lifetime, const queuemode_t queuemode, const uint32_t features, pt_userdata_t *userdata)
 Creates the device structure and enables additional features. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_create (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint32_t lifetime, const queuemode_t queuemode)
 Creates the device structure. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_get_feature_flags (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, uint32_t *features)
 Retrieves the feature flags of a device. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_register (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, pt_device_response_handler success_handler, pt_device_response_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Endpoint device registration function. Every endpoint device must be registered with the protocol translator and Device Management Edge before reading and writing device values. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_unregister (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, pt_device_response_handler success_handler, pt_device_response_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Endpoint device unregistration function. If the device unregistration succeeds, the device instance data will be freed from memory. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_write_values (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, pt_device_response_handler success_handler, pt_device_response_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Writes changed values from the endpoint device to Edge Core. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_set_resource_value (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint16_t object_id, const uint16_t object_instance_id, const uint16_t resource_id, const uint8_t *value, uint32_t value_len, pt_resource_value_free_callback value_free_cb)
 Set a new value to resource in the device. More...
bool pt_device_exists (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id)
 Utility function to check if device already exists for the connection. More...
bool pt_device_resource_exists (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint16_t object_id, const uint16_t object_instance_id, const uint16_t resource_id)
 Utility function to check if resource already exists for the connection and device. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_add_resource (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint16_t object_id, const uint16_t object_instance_id, const uint16_t resource_id, const char *resource_name, const Lwm2mResourceType type, uint8_t *value, uint32_t value_size, pt_resource_value_free_callback value_free_cb)
 Adds a read-only resource to a device. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_add_resource_with_callback (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint16_t object_id, const uint16_t object_instance_id, const uint16_t resource_id, const char *resource_name, const Lwm2mResourceType type, const uint8_t operations, uint8_t *value, uint32_t value_size, pt_resource_value_free_callback value_free_cb, pt_resource_callback callback)
 Adds a resource to a device with a callback. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_get_resource_value (connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint16_t object_id, const uint16_t object_instance_id, const uint16_t resource_id, uint8_t **value_out, uint32_t *value_len_out)
 Utility function to get the current value in a resource. More...
int32_t pt_device_get_next_free_object_instance_id (connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, uint16_t object_id)
 Get the id of first free object instance for given object. More...
pt_userdata_tpt_device_get_userdata (connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id)
 Retrieve the set user data in the device. More...
pt_userdata_tpt_resource_get_userdata (connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint16_t object_id, const uint16_t object_instance_id, const uint16_t resource_id)
 Retrieve the set user data in the resource. Client needs to provide the full path to the resource. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_set_userdata (connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, pt_userdata_t *userdata)
 Set the set user data to the device. This may be useful if the client needs to associate some extra data with the device. Create the userdata using the API function pt_api_create_userdata(). More...
pt_status_t pt_resource_set_userdata (connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint16_t object_id, const uint16_t object_instance_id, const uint16_t resource_id, pt_userdata_t *userdata)
 Set the set user data to the resource. This may be useful if the client needs to associate some extra data with the device. Create the userdata using the API function pt_api_create_userdata(). Client needs to provide the full path to the resource. More...
pt_certificate_list_t * pt_certificate_list_create ()
 Creates a certificate list. More...
void pt_certificate_list_destroy (pt_certificate_list_t *list)
 Destroys the certificate list. Frees all the certificates added to the list.
pt_status_t pt_certificate_list_add (pt_certificate_list_t *list, const char *name)
 Adds a certificate to certificate list. More...
pt_status_t pt_certificate_renewal_list_set (const connection_id_t connection_id, pt_certificate_list_t *list, pt_certificates_set_response_handler success_handler, pt_certificates_set_response_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Sends the certificate list to Edge, triggering renewal subscriptions of the certificates in the list. More...
pt_status_t pt_certificate_renew (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *name, pt_certificate_renew_response_handler success_handler, pt_certificate_renew_response_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Requests the renewal of the certificate specified by the name parameter. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_certificate_renew (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const char *name, const char *csr, const size_t csr_length, pt_device_certificate_renew_response_handler success_handler, pt_device_certificate_renew_response_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Requests the renewal of the certificate specified by the name parameter using the certificate signing request specified by the csr parameter. More...
pt_status_t pt_device_certificate_renew_request_finish (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const pt_ce_status_e status)
 Finish device certificate renewal request. More...
void pt_free_certificate_chain_context (struct cert_chain_context_s *context)
 Free a cert_chain_context_s structure passed to the certificate renewal notification callback.. More...
int pt_api_init ()
 Use this function to initialize the PT API. More...
pt_client_t * pt_client_create (const char *socket_path, const protocol_translator_callbacks_t *pt_cbs)
 Creates an instance of a PT API client. More...
void pt_client_free (pt_client_t *client)
 Frees the PT API client. More...
connection_id_t pt_client_get_connection_id (pt_client_t *client)
 May be used to get the connection ID from the client. More...
int pt_client_start (pt_client_t *client, pt_response_handler success_handler, pt_response_handler failure_handler, const char *name, void *userdata)
 Starts the protocol translator client event loop and tries to connect to a local instance of Device Management Edge. When a connection is established, it tries to register the protocol translator. When registering succeeds the success_handler will be called. If registering fails the failure_handler will be called. This could happen for example, if the protocol translator name is already in use in Device Management Edge instance. More...
pt_status_t pt_client_shutdown (pt_client_t *client)
 Gracefully shuts down the protocol translator client. More...
pt_status_t pt_crypto_get_certificate (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *name, pt_crypto_get_item_success_handler success_handler, pt_crypto_get_item_failure_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Retrieve a certificate from secure storage. More...
pt_status_t pt_crypto_get_public_key (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *name, pt_crypto_get_item_success_handler success_handler, pt_crypto_get_item_failure_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Retrieve a public key from secure storage. More...
pt_status_t pt_crypto_generate_random (const connection_id_t connection_id, const size_t size, pt_crypto_success_handler success_handler, pt_crypto_failure_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Generate and retrieve a random buffer from Device Management Edge. More...
pt_status_t pt_crypto_asymmetric_sign (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *private_key_name, const char *hash_digest, const size_t hash_digest_size, pt_crypto_success_handler success_handler, pt_crypto_failure_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Perform asymmetric sign operation using given hash digest and private key stored in secure storage on Device Management Edge. More...
pt_status_t pt_crypto_asymmetric_verify (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *public_key_name, const char *hash_digest, const size_t hash_digest_size, const char *signature, const size_t signature_size, pt_crypto_success_handler success_handler, pt_crypto_failure_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Perform asymmetric verify operation on given signature and hash digest using public key stored in secure storage on Device Management Edge. More...
pt_status_t pt_crypto_ecdh_key_agreement (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *private_key_name, const char *peer_public_key, const size_t peer_public_key_size, pt_crypto_success_handler success_handler, pt_crypto_failure_handler failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Perform ECDH key agreement using given peer public key and a private key stored in secure storage on Device Management Edge. More...
pt_status_t ptdo_initialize_device_object (connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const ptdo_device_object_data_t *device_object_data)
 Create the device object ID:3. More...
pt_status_t pt_devices_register_devices (const connection_id_t connection_id, pt_devices_cb devices_registration_success, pt_devices_cb devices_registration_failure, void *userdata)
 registers the devices that haven't been registered yet. More...
pt_status_t pt_devices_unregister_devices (const connection_id_t connection_id, pt_devices_cb devices_unregistration_success, pt_devices_cb devices_unregistration_failure, void *userdata)
 Unregisters all the registered devices. More...
pt_status_t pt_devices_update (const connection_id_t connection_id, pt_devices_cb success_handler, pt_devices_cb failure_handler, void *userdata)
 Updates the changed object structure from the endpoint device to Edge Core. More...
pt_userdata_tpt_api_create_userdata (void *data, pt_userdata_free_cb_t free_userdata_cb)
 Used to create the pt_userdata_s structure. More...

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* pt_certificate_renewal_notification_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *name, int32_t initiator, int32_t status, const char *description, void *userdata)

Type definition for certificate renewal notification. This callback will be called to notify the status when a certificate renewal completes.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
nameThe name of the certificate.
initiator0 - device initiated the renewal
1 - cloud initiated the renewal
statusStatus of the certificate renewal. 0 - for success.
Non-zero if error happened. See error codes in pt_ce_status_e enum.
descriptionDescription of the status in string form for human readability.
userdata.The Userdata which was passed to pt_client_start.
typedef void(* pt_certificates_set_response_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)

Type definition for pt_certificate_renewal_list_set response success and failure handlers.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
userdataUser data given in pt_certificate_renewal_list_set.
typedef void(* pt_connection_ready_cb) (connection_id_t connection_id, const char *name, void *userdata)

A function prototype for calling the client code when the connection is ready for passing messages.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection which is ready.
[in]nameThe name of the protocol translator.
[in]userdataThe user supplied data to pass back when the handler is called. The userdata was given to pt_client_start().
typedef void(* pt_connection_shutdown_cb) (connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)

A function prototype for calling the client code when the connection is shutting down.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the protocol translator client connection.
[in]userdataThe user supplied data to pass back when the handler is called. The userdata was given to pt_client_start().
typedef void(* pt_crypto_failure_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, int error_code, void *userdata)

Type definition for a generic failure response handler.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
error_codeError code indicating reason for failure.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
typedef void(* pt_crypto_get_item_failure_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)

Type definition for pt_crypto_get_item_failure_handler response failure handler.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
typedef void(* pt_crypto_success_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const uint8_t *data, const size_t size, void *userdata)

Type definition for a generic success handler returning a single buffer.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
dataBuffer containing the retrieved data.
sizeSize of the retrieved data.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
typedef pt_status_t(* pt_device_certificate_renew_request_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const char *name, void *userdata)

Type definition for certificate renewal request handler for device certificate. This callback will be called when the cloud requests a device certificate to be renewed.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
device_idThe device ID.
nameThe name of the certificate.
userdata.The Userdata which was passed to pt_client_start.
The callback should return PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the renewal process was started succesfully. If the renewal could not be started or there was some error, an error should be returned. See pt_status_t for possible error codes.
typedef void(* pt_device_certificate_renew_response_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const char *name, int32_t status, struct cert_chain_context_s *cert_chain, void *userdata)

Type definition for certificate renewal notification for device certificate. This callback will be called to notify the status when a certificate renewal completes for device certificate.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
device_idThe device ID.
nameThe name of the certificate.
statusStatus of the certificate renewal. 0 - for success.
Non-zero if error happened. See error codes in pt_ce_status_e enum.
cert_chainStructure containing the renewed certificate chain. This MUST be free'd using pt_free_certificate_chain_context function when callback is done with the data.
userdata.The Userdata which was passed to pt_client_start.
typedef void(* pt_device_response_handler) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, void *userdata)

A function pointer type definition for callbacks given in the device API functions as an argument. This function definition is used for providing success and failure callback handlers.

The callbacks are run on the same thread as the event loop of the protocol translator client. If the related functionality of the callback is running a long process, you need to move it to a worker thread. If the process runs directly in the callback, it blocks the event loop, and thus the whole protocol translator.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID in context given as an argument.
[in]userdataThe user-supplied context given as an argument in the protocol translator API function calls.
typedef void(* pt_devices_cb) (connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)

A function prototype for calling the client code when devices operation (for example: write, register or unregister) is done.

The callbacks are run on the same thread as the event loop of the protocol translator client. If the related functionality of the callback is running a long process, you need to move it to a worker thread. If the process runs directly in the callback, it blocks the event loop, and thus the whole protocol translator.

[in]connection_idThe connection ID of the protocol translator client connection.
[in]userdataThe user supplied data to pass back when the handler is called.
typedef void(* pt_disconnected_cb) (connection_id_t connection_id, void *userdata)

A function prototype for calling the client code when the connection is disconnected.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection which disconnected.
[in]userdataThe user supplied data to pass back the the handler is called. The userdata was given to pt_client_start().
typedef pt_status_t(* pt_resource_callback) (const connection_id_t connection_id, const char *device_id, const uint16_t object_id, const uint16_t object_instance_id, const uint16_t resource_id, const uint8_t operation, const uint8_t *value, const uint32_t size, void *userdata)

Callback function prototype for the device resource specific action on OPERATION_WRITE or OPERATION_EXECUTE.

Note the value size for integers and floats which are received from Device Management Edge. This differs from the case when the protocol translator writes the value to Device Management Edge, where it is allowed to write different size binary values. When the write is coming from Device Management to Device Management Edge the value representation is text-format. Device Management Client does not store the original binary value and the original value size is lost. The interpretation of the value must be implemented in the callback function.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID targetted for this callback.
[in]object_idThe object ID targetted.
[in]object_instance_idThe object instance ID targetted.
[in]resource_idThe resource ID targetted.
[in]operationThe operation, for example OPERATION_WRITE.
[in]valueA pointer to the value buffer.
The ownership of the value buffer is within the pt_resource_t and the pointer is only valid for the duration of the function call. For different LwM2M data types there are byte-order restrictions as follows:
  • String: UTF-8.
  • Integer: A binary signed integer in network byte-order (64 bits).
  • Float: IEEE 754-2008 floating point value in network byte-order (64 bits).
  • Boolean: An 8 bit unsigned integer with value 0 or 1.
  • Opaque: The sequence of binary data.
  • Time: Same representation as integer.
  • Objlnk: Two 16 bit unsigned integers one beside the other. The first one is the Object ID and the second is the Object Instance ID.
    Refer to: OMA Lightweight Machine to Machine Technical Specification for data type specifications.
[in]sizeThe size of the value to write.
[in]userdataThe user-supplied context.
Result of the resource callback function, should return PT_STATUS_SUCCESS when the operation was successful, see pt_status_t for possible error codes.
typedef void(* pt_resource_value_free_callback) (void *value)

Callback function prototype for freeing the resource value.

[in]valueResource value to free.
typedef void(* pt_response_handler) (void *userdata)

A function pointer type definition for callbacks given in the protocol translator API functions as an argument. This function definition is used for providing success and failure callback handlers.

The callbacks are run on the same thread as the event loop of the protocol translator client. If the related functionality of the callback is running a long process, you need to move it to a worker thread. If the process runs directly in the callback, it blocks the event loop, and thus the whole protocol translator.

[in]userdataThe user-supplied context given as an argument in the protocol translator API functions.
typedef void(* pt_userdata_free_cb_t) (void *data)

The user-supplied memory deallocation function for userdata.

[in]dataThe user-supplied data to free.
typedef struct pt_userdata_s pt_userdata_t

Contains fields for client user data.

If the client wants to associate data with the device or any object, this structure may be used. Create it using pt_api_create_userdata. The PT API will deallocate this structure and call the pt_free_userdata call-back when the object structure is destroyed. However the client is responsible to free the pt_userdata_t::data using the pt_userdata_t::pt_free_userdata call-back or in some other way.

The device object data ID:3.

NULL can be passed to optional values and no resource is generated for that field. The parameter strings must be NULL terminated.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Operation completed successfully.


Operation ended with an unspecified error.


A parameter provided to the function was invalid.


The provided buffer size was insufficient for the required output.


An out-of-memory condition occurred.


The item was not found in the storage.


The device is processing too many certificate renewals.


The server sent a TLV that is either unsupported or malformed.


An error during enrollment over secure transport (EST) occurred.


The storage operation ended with an error.


Operation failed to validate renewal items.


Operation failed to create/read/validate backup items.


Operation failed to create/read/validate original items.


Operation failed to restore backup items.


Operation failed to create/validate/delete the renewal status file.


The server asked for a forbidden operation (for example: the server is not allowed to renew the device's bootstrap certificate).


The item was found in the storage but its length is zero.


Called CertificateEnrollmentClient API before the initialization of the module.


Initialization of the Certificate Enrollment module has failed. This error may be passed into MbedCloudClient::error callback.


Operation will be complete asynchronously.

Function Documentation

pt_userdata_t* pt_api_create_userdata ( void *  data,
pt_userdata_free_cb_t  free_userdata_cb 

Used to create the pt_userdata_s structure.

[in]dataPointer to client's data to associate.
[in]free_userdata_cbPointer to function which will be called to free the data. NULL value is allowed. In this case no user data free function will be called. It's possible that there is no need to deallocate the data.
pointer to pt_userdata_t if memory allocation succeeds. NULL if memory allocation fails. In this case implementation calls free_userdata_cb immediately if applicable and frees the pt_userdata_t::data.
int pt_api_init ( )

Use this function to initialize the PT API.

This function should be called in the beginning in the PT API application's main thread and only once.

0 if init succeeded 1 in case of an error.
pt_status_t pt_certificate_list_add ( pt_certificate_list_t *  list,
const char *  name 

Adds a certificate to certificate list.

listThe certificate list. May not be NULL.
nameThe name of the certificate. May not be NULL.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if certificate was added successfully.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_certificate_list_t* pt_certificate_list_create ( )

Creates a certificate list.

New certificate list. Delete it with pt_certificate_list_destroy.
pt_status_t pt_certificate_renew ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  name,
pt_certificate_renew_response_handler  success_handler,
pt_certificate_renew_response_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Requests the renewal of the certificate specified by the name parameter.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
nameThe name of the certificate. May not be NULL.
success_handlerThis function is called if certificate renewal was successfully initiated. May not be NULL.
failure_handlerThis function is called if certificate renewal failed. May not be NULL.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if certificate renewal request was successfully sent.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_status_t pt_certificate_renewal_list_set ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
pt_certificate_list_t *  list,
pt_certificates_set_response_handler  success_handler,
pt_certificates_set_response_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Sends the certificate list to Edge, triggering renewal subscriptions of the certificates in the list.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
listThe certificate list. Must be valid and may not be NULL.
success_handlerThis function is called if certificate list was set successfully. May not be NULL.
failure_handlerThis function is called if setting the certificate list failed. May not be NULL.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if certificate setting request was successfully sent.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_client_t* pt_client_create ( const char *  socket_path,
const protocol_translator_callbacks_t pt_cbs 

Creates an instance of a PT API client.

[in]socket_pathThe path to AF_UNIX domain socket to connect.
[in]pt_cbsA struct containing the callbacks to the customer side implementation.
Protocol translator client instance.
void pt_client_free ( pt_client_t *  client)

Frees the PT API client.

[in]clientThe protocol translator client structure to free.
connection_id_t pt_client_get_connection_id ( pt_client_t *  client)

May be used to get the connection ID from the client.

[in]clientThe client instance allocated using pt_client_create().
the id of the connection. PT_CONNECTION_ID_INVALID is returned if there is no active connection.
pt_status_t pt_client_shutdown ( pt_client_t *  client)

Gracefully shuts down the protocol translator client.

[in]clientThe client created using pt_client_create().
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS for successful initiation of the client shutdown. Other error codes for failure.
int pt_client_start ( pt_client_t *  client,
pt_response_handler  success_handler,
pt_response_handler  failure_handler,
const char *  name,
void *  userdata 

Starts the protocol translator client event loop and tries to connect to a local instance of Device Management Edge. When a connection is established, it tries to register the protocol translator. When registering succeeds the success_handler will be called. If registering fails the failure_handler will be called. This could happen for example, if the protocol translator name is already in use in Device Management Edge instance.

[in]clientClient's data which can be created with pt_client_create().
[in]success_handlerA function pointer to be called when the protocol translator registration is successful.
[in]failure_handlerA function pointer to be called when the protocol translator registration fails.
[in]nameThe protocol translator name, must be unique in the Device Management Edge instance.
[in]userdataThe user-supplied context given as an argument to success and failure handler functions.
1 if there is an error in configuring or starting the event loop.
The function returns when the event loop is shut down and the return value is 0.
pt_status_t pt_crypto_asymmetric_sign ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  private_key_name,
const char *  hash_digest,
const size_t  hash_digest_size,
pt_crypto_success_handler  success_handler,
pt_crypto_failure_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Perform asymmetric sign operation using given hash digest and private key stored in secure storage on Device Management Edge.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
private_key_nameName of the private key to use.
hash_digestHash digest to sign.
hash_digest_sizeSize of the hash digest buffer.
success_handlerThis function is called if the asymmetric sign operation was successful. Must not be NULL.
failure_handlerThis function is called if the asymmetric sign operation failed. Must not be NULL.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the asymmetric sign request was sent successfully.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_status_t pt_crypto_asymmetric_verify ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  public_key_name,
const char *  hash_digest,
const size_t  hash_digest_size,
const char *  signature,
const size_t  signature_size,
pt_crypto_success_handler  success_handler,
pt_crypto_failure_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Perform asymmetric verify operation on given signature and hash digest using public key stored in secure storage on Device Management Edge.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
public_key_nameName of the public key to use.
hash_digestHash digest to verify.
hash_digest_sizeSize of the hash digest buffer.
signatureSignature to verify.
signature_sizeSize of the signature buffer.
success_handlerThis function is called if the asymmetric verify operation was successful. Must not be NULL.
failure_handlerThis function is called if the asymmetric verify operation failed. Must not be NULL.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the asymmetric verify request was sent successfully.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_status_t pt_crypto_ecdh_key_agreement ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  private_key_name,
const char *  peer_public_key,
const size_t  peer_public_key_size,
pt_crypto_success_handler  success_handler,
pt_crypto_failure_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Perform ECDH key agreement using given peer public key and a private key stored in secure storage on Device Management Edge.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
private_key_nameName of the private key to use.
peer_public_keyPeer public key in DER format.
peer_public_key_sizeSize of the peer public key buffer.
success_handlerThis function is called if the ECDH key agreement operation was successful. Must not be NULL.
failure_handlerThis function is called if the ECDH key agreement operation failed. Must not be NULL.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the ECDH key agreement request was sent successfully.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_status_t pt_crypto_generate_random ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const size_t  size,
pt_crypto_success_handler  success_handler,
pt_crypto_failure_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Generate and retrieve a random buffer from Device Management Edge.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
sizeSize of the random buffer to generate.
success_handlerThis function is called if the random buffer is generated successfully. Must not be NULL.
failure_handlerThis function is called if the random buffer generation fails. Must not be NULL.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if random buffer was generation request was sent successfully.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_status_t pt_crypto_get_certificate ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  name,
pt_crypto_get_item_success_handler  success_handler,
pt_crypto_get_item_failure_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Retrieve a certificate from secure storage.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
nameName of the certificate to retrieve.
success_handlerThis function is called if the certificate is retrieved successfully. Must not be NULL.
failure_handlerThis function is called if the certificate retrieval fails. Must not be NULL.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if certificate retrieval request was sent successfully.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_status_t pt_crypto_get_public_key ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  name,
pt_crypto_get_item_success_handler  success_handler,
pt_crypto_get_item_failure_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Retrieve a public key from secure storage.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
nameName of the public key to retrieve.
success_handlerThis function is called if the public key is retrieved successfully. Must not be NULL.
failure_handlerThis function is called if the public key retrieval fails. Must not be NULL.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if public key retrieval request was sent successfully.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_status_t pt_device_add_resource ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint16_t  object_id,
const uint16_t  object_instance_id,
const uint16_t  resource_id,
const char *  resource_name,
const Lwm2mResourceType  type,
uint8_t *  value,
uint32_t  value_size,
pt_resource_value_free_callback  value_free_cb 

Adds a read-only resource to a device.

This function does not set any callbacks to the created resource. The created resource functions only as a read-only resource from the Pelion Cloud perspective. The value can be updated directly from the wrapping application. The read-only restriction applies only to requests coming from Pelion Cloud. The protocol translator application may write new values to the resource with `pt_device_set_resource_value()' function and in the end update the set value by calling pt_device_write_values() function.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID to which to add the resource.
[in]object_idThe object ID to which to add the resource.
[in]object_instance_idThe object instance ID to which to add the resource.
[in]resource_idThe resource ID for the added resource.
[in]resource_nameThe optional resource name for the added resource.
[in]typeThe resource type.
[in]valueA pointer to the value buffer. The ownership of the value buffer is within the pt_client_t. When the resource is destroyed or a new value buffer is set by calling pt_device_set_resource_value() the value_free_cb() is called with the old value buffer as parameter.
For different LwM2M data types there are byte-order restrictions as follows:
  • String: UTF-8.
  • Integer: A binary signed integer in network byte-order (8, 16, 32 or 64 bits).
  • Float: IEEE 754-2008 floating point value in network byte-order (32 or 64 bits).
  • Boolean: An 8 bit unsigned integer with value 0 or 1.
  • Opaque: The sequence of binary data.
  • Time: Same representation as integer.
  • Objlnk: Two 16 bit unsigned integers one beside the other. The first one is the Object ID and the second is the Object Instance ID.
    Refer to: OMA Lightweight Machine to Machine Technical Specification for data type specifications.
[in]value_sizeThe size of the value buffer.
[in]value_free_cbA callback function to free the value buffer that will be called when the resource is destroyed or a new value buffer is assigned.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS on successful resource create.
See pt_status_t for possible error codes. Note: if there is an error, it will call the value_free_cb() to avoid a memory leak.
pt_status_t pt_device_add_resource_with_callback ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint16_t  object_id,
const uint16_t  object_instance_id,
const uint16_t  resource_id,
const char *  resource_name,
const Lwm2mResourceType  type,
const uint8_t  operations,
uint8_t *  value,
uint32_t  value_size,
pt_resource_value_free_callback  value_free_cb,
pt_resource_callback  callback 

Adds a resource to a device with a callback.

This function creates a resource with allowed operations specified by operations. The callback is set for the write and execute actions and are triggered when corresponding requests are received from Device Management.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID to which to add the resource.
[in]object_idThe object ID to which to add the resource.
[in]object_instance_idThe object instance ID to which to add the resource.
[in]resource_idThe resource ID for the added resource.
[in]resource_nameThe optional resource name for the added resource.
[in]typeThe resource type.
[in]operationsThe operations this resource will allow.
For example, GET/OPERATION_READ and PUT/OPERATION_WRITE. The value is a bit field of allowed operations.
Note the difference when writing a value from the protocol translator to Device Management Edge opposed to receiving a write from Device Management Edge. It is allowed to write different sized binary integers and float towards Device Management Edge. On the other hand, when receiving a write from Device Management Edge, the integer or float value is always 64 bit.
[in]valueThe pointer to value buffer. The ownership of the value buffer is within the pt_resource_t. When the resource is destroyed or a new value buffer is set by calling pt_device_set_resource_value() the value_free_cb is called with the old value buffer as parameter.
For different LwM2M data types there are byte-order restrictions as follows:
  • String: UTF-8
  • Integer: A binary signed integer in network byte-order (8, 16, 32 or 64 bits).
  • Float: IEEE 754-2008 floating point value in network byte-order (32 or 64 bits).
  • Boolean: An 8 bit unsigned integer with value 0 or 1.
  • Opaque: The sequence of binary data.
  • Time: Same representation as integer.
  • Objlnk: Two 16 bit unsigned integers one beside the other. The first one is the Object ID and the second is the Object Instance ID.
    Refer to: OMA Lightweight Machine to Machine Technical Specification for data type specifications.
[in]value_sizeThe size of the value buffer.
[in]value_free_cbA callback function to free the value buffer that will be called when the resource is destroyed or a new value buffer is assigned.
[in]callbackOptional callback for this resource. The callback can be given when the resource has OPERATION_WRITE and/or OPERATION_EXECUTE set to allowed operations.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS on successful resource create.
See pt_status_t for possible error codes. Note: if there is an error, it will call the value_free_cb() to avoid a memory leak.
pt_status_t pt_device_certificate_renew ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const char *  name,
const char *  csr,
const size_t  csr_length,
pt_device_certificate_renew_response_handler  success_handler,
pt_device_certificate_renew_response_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Requests the renewal of the certificate specified by the name parameter using the certificate signing request specified by the csr parameter.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
device_idThe device ID.
nameThe name of the certificate. May not be NULL.
csrThe certificate signing request. May not be NULL.
csr_lengthLength of the certificate signing request.
success_handlerThis function is called if the certificate renewal was successful. May not be NULL.
failure_handlerThis function is called if the certificate renewal failed. May not be NULL.
userdataThe user-supplied context.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if certificate renewal request was successfully sent.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_status_t pt_device_certificate_renew_request_finish ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const pt_ce_status_e  status 

Finish device certificate renewal request.

connection_idID of the protocol translator connection.
device_idThe ID of device.
statusThe status of the certificate renewal process, CE_STATUS_SUCCESS for successful renewal, see pt_ce_status_e enum for possible error codes.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if certificate renewal was finished successfully.
Other error codes on failure.
pt_status_t pt_device_create ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint32_t  lifetime,
const queuemode_t  queuemode 

Creates the device structure.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe unique device identifier.
[in]lifetimeThe expected lifetime for the device. The device registrations must be updated. This parameter is reserved and currently not used. The translated endpoints are tracked withing the parent Edge device lifetime.
[in]queuemodeThe queue mode before the time is elapsed. This parameter is reserved, but currently not used.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success. Other error codes for failure.
pt_status_t pt_device_create_with_feature_flags ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint32_t  lifetime,
const queuemode_t  queuemode,
const uint32_t  features,
pt_userdata_t userdata 

Creates the device structure and enables additional features.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe unique device identifier.
[in]lifetimeThe expected lifetime for the device. The device registrations must be updated. This parameter is reserved and currently not used. The translated endpoints are tracked withing the parent Edge device lifetime.
[in]queuemodeThe queue mode before the time is elapsed. This parameter is reserved, but currently not used.
[in]featuresThe feature flags for enabling features this device supports. See pt_device_feature_e enum in pt_common_api.h for supported feature flags.
[in]userdataThe user data to add to the pt_device_t structure. Create this structure with pt_api_create_device_userdata().
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success. Other error codes for failure. Note! In case of an error where the status parameter returns something else than PT_STATUS_SUCCESS the userdata free function will NOT be called and the userdata should be freed by the user.
pt_status_t pt_device_create_with_userdata ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint32_t  lifetime,
const queuemode_t  queuemode,
pt_userdata_t userdata 

Creates the device structure.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe unique device identifier.
[in]lifetimeThe expected lifetime for the device. The device registrations must be updated. This parameter is reserved and currently not used. The translated endpoints are tracked withing the parent Edge device lifetime.
[in]queuemodeThe queue mode before the time is elapsed. This parameter is reserved, but currently not used.
[in]userdataThe user data to add to the pt_device_t structure. Create this structure with pt_api_create_device_userdata().
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success. Other error codes for failure. Note! In case of an error where the status parameter returns something else than PT_STATUS_SUCCESS the userdata free function will NOT be called and the userdata should be freed by the user.
bool pt_device_exists ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id 

Utility function to check if device already exists for the connection.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID to find.
True if device is found. False if not.
pt_status_t pt_device_get_feature_flags ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
uint32_t *  features 

Retrieves the feature flags of a device.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe unique device identifier.
[out]featuresPointer to a uint32_t variable, On success it will contain the feature flags. On failure the value will be undefined. See pt_device_feature_e enum in pt_common_api.h for supported feature flags.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success. Other error codes for failure.
int32_t pt_device_get_next_free_object_instance_id ( connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
uint16_t  object_id 

Get the id of first free object instance for given object.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID of the device.
[in]object_idThe object ID of which next free object instance ID got.
Return the object instance id of the first free object instance in object. Returns -1 if the connection or device does not exist, if the object doesn't exist 0 is returned as that would be the first free object instance if the object was created.
pt_status_t pt_device_get_resource_value ( connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint16_t  object_id,
const uint16_t  object_instance_id,
const uint16_t  resource_id,
uint8_t **  value_out,
uint32_t *  value_len_out 

Utility function to get the current value in a resource.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID of device to get the resource value.
[in]object_idThe object ID of the object which resource value to get.
[in]object_instance_idThe object instance ID of the object instance which resource value to get.
[in]resource_idThe resource ID of the resource which value to get.
[out]value_outOn success it's updated to point at the value of the resource.
[out]value_len_outOn success it returns the size of the resource.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS in on success. Other error codes on failure.
pt_userdata_t* pt_device_get_userdata ( connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id 

Retrieve the set user data in the device.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID to find.
Pointer to the user data structure. If there's no such device or no user data for the existing device, a NULL is returned.
pt_status_t pt_device_register ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
pt_device_response_handler  success_handler,
pt_device_response_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Endpoint device registration function. Every endpoint device must be registered with the protocol translator and Device Management Edge before reading and writing device values.

[in]connection_idThe connection ID of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID of the device to register.
[in]success_handlerA function pointer that gets called when the device registration is successful.
[in]failure_handlerA function pointer that gets called when the device registration fails.
[in]userdataThe user-supplied context given as an argument to success and failure handler functions.
The status of the device registration operation.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS on successful registration.
See pt_status_t for possible error codes.
bool pt_device_resource_exists ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint16_t  object_id,
const uint16_t  object_instance_id,
const uint16_t  resource_id 

Utility function to check if resource already exists for the connection and device.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID to find.
[in]object_idThe object ID to find.
[in]object_instance_idThe object instance ID to find.
[in]resource_idThe resource ID to find.
True if resource is found. False if not.
pt_status_t pt_device_set_resource_value ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint16_t  object_id,
const uint16_t  object_instance_id,
const uint16_t  resource_id,
const uint8_t *  value,
uint32_t  value_len,
pt_resource_value_free_callback  value_free_cb 

Set a new value to resource in the device.

This function does not update the value to Edge Core. Call pt_device_write_values() to initiate messaging to Edge Core. This function can called multiple times for the device before updating the value to Edge Core.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID targetted for the write.
[in]object_idThe object ID targetted.
[in]object_instance_idThe object instance ID targetted.
[in]resource_idThe resource ID targetted.
[in]valueThe value to write to the resource.
[in]value_lenThe size of the value to write.
[in]value_free_cbA callback function to free the value buffer that will be called when the resource is destroyed or a new value buffer is assigned.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success. Other error codes for failure. Note! If this function returns any error, the value_free_cb will be called to avoid a memory leak.
pt_status_t pt_device_set_userdata ( connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
pt_userdata_t userdata 

Set the set user data to the device. This may be useful if the client needs to associate some extra data with the device. Create the userdata using the API function pt_api_create_userdata().

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID to find.
[in]userdataPointer to the user data structure.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the device was found and the userdata was set successfully. Other error codes if setting userdata fails.
pt_status_t pt_device_unregister ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
pt_device_response_handler  success_handler,
pt_device_response_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Endpoint device unregistration function. If the device unregistration succeeds, the device instance data will be freed from memory.

[in]connection_idThe connection ID of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID of the device to unregister.
[in]success_handlerA function pointer that gets called when the device unregistration is successful.
[in]failure_handlerA function pointer that gets called when the device unregistration fails.
[in]userdataThe user-supplied context given as an argument to success and failure handler functions.
The status of the device unregistration operation.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS on successful unregistration.
See pt_status_t for possible error codes.
pt_status_t pt_device_write_values ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
pt_device_response_handler  success_handler,
pt_device_response_handler  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Writes changed values from the endpoint device to Edge Core.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device from which to write the value to Edge Core.
[in]success_handlerA function pointer to be called when the value was written successfully.
[in]failure_handlerA function pointer to be called when the writing fails.
[in]userdataThe user-supplied context given as an argument to the success and failure handler functions.
The status of the write value operation.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS on successful write.
See pt_status_t for possible error codes. Note: doesn't call the callbacks if PT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS or PT_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED is returned.
pt_status_t pt_devices_register_devices ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
pt_devices_cb  devices_registration_success,
pt_devices_cb  devices_registration_failure,
void *  userdata 

registers the devices that haven't been registered yet.

The callback is run on the same thread as the event loop of the protocol translator client. If the related functionality of the callback does some long processing the processing must be moved to worker thread. If the processing is run directly in the callback it will block the event loop and therefore it will block the whole protocol translator.

[in]connection_idThe connection ID of the protocol translator client connection.
[in]devices_registration_successThe function to call if all the devices registered successfully.
[in]devices_registration_failureThe function to call if some of the devices couldn't be registered.
[in]userdataPointer to user's data. This will be passed back in the callback functions.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS in case there is no error. Other error codes when it fails. See pt_status_t for possible error codes.
pt_status_t pt_devices_unregister_devices ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
pt_devices_cb  devices_unregistration_success,
pt_devices_cb  devices_unregistration_failure,
void *  userdata 

Unregisters all the registered devices.

The callback is run on the same thread as the event loop of the protocol translator client. If the related functionality of the callback does some long processing the processing must be moved to worker thread. If the processing is run directly in the callback it will block the event loop and therefore it will block the whole protocol translator.

If unregistration succeeds, it deletes the device instances from memory. If unregistration fails the device instances remain in memory to allow retrying to unregister the devices.

[in]connection_idThe connection ID of the protocol translator client connection.
[in]devices_unregistration_successThe function to call if all the devices unregistered successfully.
[in]devices_unregistration_failureThe function to call if some of the devices couldn't be unregistered.
[in]userdataPointer to user's data. This will be passed back in the callback functions.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS in case there is no error. Other error codes when it fails. See pt_status_t for possible error codes.
pt_status_t pt_devices_update ( const connection_id_t  connection_id,
pt_devices_cb  success_handler,
pt_devices_cb  failure_handler,
void *  userdata 

Updates the changed object structure from the endpoint device to Edge Core.

The callback is run on the same thread as the event loop of the protocol translator client. If the related functionality of the callback does some long processing the processing must be moved to worker thread. If the processing is run directly in the callback it will block the event loop and therefore it will block the whole protocol translator.

[in]connection_idThe connection ID.
[in]success_handlerA function pointer to be called when the object structure was updated successfully.
[in]failure_handlerA function pointer to be called when the the object structure update failed.
[in]userdataThe user-supplied context given as an argument to the success and failure handler functions.
The status of the write value operation.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS on successful write.
See pt_status_t for possible error codes.
void pt_free_certificate_chain_context ( struct cert_chain_context_s context)

Free a cert_chain_context_s structure passed to the certificate renewal notification callback..

contextPointer to the cert_chain_context_s structure to free.
pt_userdata_t* pt_resource_get_userdata ( connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint16_t  object_id,
const uint16_t  object_instance_id,
const uint16_t  resource_id 

Retrieve the set user data in the resource. Client needs to provide the full path to the resource.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID to find.
[in]object_idThe object ID to find.
[in]object_instance_idThe object instance ID to find.
[in]resource_idThe resource ID to find.
Pointer to the user data structure. If there's no such resource or no user data for the existing resource, a NULL is returned.
pt_status_t pt_resource_set_userdata ( connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const uint16_t  object_id,
const uint16_t  object_instance_id,
const uint16_t  resource_id,
pt_userdata_t userdata 

Set the set user data to the resource. This may be useful if the client needs to associate some extra data with the device. Create the userdata using the API function pt_api_create_userdata(). Client needs to provide the full path to the resource.

[in]connection_idThe ID of the connection of the requesting application.
[in]device_idThe device ID to find.
[in]object_idThe object ID to find.
[in]object_instance_idThe object instance ID to find.
[in]resource_idThe resource ID to find.
[in]userdataPointer to the user data structure.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the resource was found and the userdata was set successfully. Other error codes if setting userdata fails.
pt_status_t ptdo_initialize_device_object ( connection_id_t  connection_id,
const char *  device_id,
const ptdo_device_object_data_t device_object_data 

Create the device object ID:3.

The following mandatory resources are always generated:

  • Reboot, executable resource ID:4.
  • Error code, readable resource ID:11. Supports only one instance.

The LwM2M mandatory resource for binding mode ID:16 is not created. Future implementations may create the resource.

[in]connection_idThe connection ID to associate the device objects.
[in]device_idThe device ID to initialize with \3 object and resources.
[in]device_object_dataThe struct containing the values and function pointer for the \3 object and resources. This function assumes that device_object_data structure is initialized. The function copies the string resource values from the device_object_data structure into internal buffers which allows passing in static, stack allocated or heap allocated values.
The status of the device object initialization operation.
PT_STATUS_SUCCESS on successful initialize.
See pt_status_t for possible error codes.