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Quick start with snapcraft

This guide shows you how to get started with Pelion Edge and snapcraft packaging. At the end of this tutorial, you will have built and installed Pelion Edge and viewed its logs.


Install Kubectl.

User account prerequisites:

  1. A Pelion Cloud account.
  2. Access to the snap-pelion-edge GitHub repository.

Build Pelion Edge

  1. Clone the snap-pelion-edge repository:

    git clone https://github.com/PelionIoT/snap-pelion-edge
    cd snap-pelion-edge
  2. Decide whether you will use production or developer mode when building your snap. You can find documentation on the choices for certificate configuration modes at Configuring Edge Build.

    • [Developer Mode] Generate a device certificate from the Device Management Portal:

      1. Change the definitions of DEVELOPER_MODE and FACTORY_MODE in snap/snapcraft.yaml to DEVELOPER_MODE=ON and FACTORY_MODE=OFF

      2. Log in to the Device Management Portal, and select Device identity > Certificates.

      3. If you don't have a certificate, select New certificate > Create a developer certificate.

      4. When you have a certificate, open its panel.

      5. On this panel, click Download Developer C file to receive mbed_cloud_dev_credentials.c.

      6. Copy mbed_cloud_dev_crendentials.c to /path/to/snap-pelion-edge/:

        cp /path/to/mbed_cloud_dev_credentials.c /path/to/snap-pelion-edge/
    • [Production Mode] Do not use the device certificate from the Device Management Portal. Turn off by:

      1. Change the definitions of DEVELOPER_MODE and FACTORY_MODE in snap/snapcraft.yaml to DEVELOPER_MODE=OFF and FACTORY_MODE=ON
  3. Generate additional certificates using the manifest-tool.

    1. Install the manifest-tool: pip install manifest-tool==1.5.2

    2. Obtain an access key from the Pelion Edge Access Management Portal.

    3. Run the manifest-tool:

      manifest-tool init -a <access-key> --vendor-id 42fa7b48-1a65-43aa-890f-8c704daade54 --class-id 42fa7b48-1a65-43aa-890f-8c704daade54 --force

      This step creates several files, including .manifest_tool.json and update_default_resources.c.

    4. Copy the update_default_resources.c file to /path/to/snap-pelion-edge/.

    Note: This step is only for use in developer mode. Production mode does not require the update_default_resources.c file.

  4. Make sure your ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key is registered with github.com and gitlab.com and that they both exist in known_hosts (for example, by running ssh -T [email protected] and ssh -T [email protected]).

  5. Build with the snapcraft Docker image:

    docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile --label snapcore/snapcraft --tag ${USER}/snapcraft:latest .
    docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/build -w /build -v ${HOME}/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v ${HOME}/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig ${USER}/snapcraft:latest bash -c "sudo apt-get update && snapcraft --debug"

    Note: Running the build in Docker may contaminate your project folders with files owned by root and causes a permission denied error when you run the build outside of Docker. Run sudo chown --changes --recursive $USER:$USER _project_folder_ to fix it.

Using port 443

To use port 443 for the for Pelion-Cloud connection:

  1. Open snap/snapcraft.yaml, and set COAP_PORT_OVERRIDE_443 to "true" in the Edge Core part.
  2. Do a clean build following the instruction above.

Install Pelion Edge

  1. Copy the pelion-edge_<version>_<arch>.snap package to the device.

  2. Use the snap utility to install the snap package:

    $ sudo snap install --dangerous pelion-edge_<version>_<arch>.snap
  3. Disable devicedb:

    sudo systemctl stop snap.pelion-edge.devicedb.service
    sudo systemctl disable snap.pelion-edge.devicedb.service
  4. When installing on Ubuntu 18.04, run:

    sudo snap install network-manager
    sudo snap install modem-manager
  5. Hook up these connections:

    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:snapd-control :snapd-control
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:modem-manager modem-manager:service
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:network-manager network-manager:service
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:network-control :network-control
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:privileged :docker-support
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:support :docker-support
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:firewall-control :firewall-control
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:docker-cli pelion-edge:docker-daemon
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:log-observe :log-observe
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:system-files-logs :system-files
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:kernel-module-observe :kernel-module-observe
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:system-trace :system-trace
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:system-observe :system-observe
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:account-control :account-control
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:bluetooth-control :bluetooth-control
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:hardware-observe :hardware-observe
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:kubernetes-support :kubernetes-support
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:mount-observe :mount-observe
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:netlink-audit :netlink-audit
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:netlink-connector :netlink-connector
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:network-observe :network-observe
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:process-control :process-control
    sudo snap connect pelion-edge:shutdown :shutdown
  6. Reboot the device:

sudo reboot

Run Pelion Edge

After the snap is installed, Pelion Edge starts automatically. To view its status, run:

$ systemctl status snap.pelion-edge.edge-core
  • If Pelion Edge does not run automatically, use one of these commands to manually start Pelion Edge:

    $ snap start pelion-edge


    $ systemctl start snap.pelion-edge.edge-core
  • Use one of the following commands to stop Pelion Edge:

    $ snap stop pelion-edge


    $ systemctl stop snap.pelion-edge.edge-core

These are just convenient snap commands that run the binaries. The actual binaries are at /snap/pelion-edge/current/.

View Pelion Edge logs

Log files are captured by snap and are available with the following commands:

(Do not copy and paste the line. It will likely not work)

  • To dump the whole log:

    $ snap logs -n=all pelion-edge.edge-core
  • To follow the log (print new lines as they come in):

    $ snap logs -f pelion-edge.edge-core

    Alternatively, you can use journalctl.

  • To dump the whole log:

    $ journalctl -u snap.pelion-edge.edge-core -a
  • To follow the log (print new lines as they come in):

    $ journalctl -u snap.pelion-edge.edge-core -f

Update Pelion Edge

See the snap update guide for information about updating the Pelion Edge snap.

Known issues and troubleshooting

Edge service errors

If you see this error:

2018-09-13 18:14:13.771 tid:   6932 [ERR ][esfs]: esfs_create() - pal_fsFopen() for working dir file failed

2018-09-13 18:14:13.772 tid:   6932 [ERR ][fcc ]: storage.c:283:storage_file_create:File already exist in ESFS (esfs_status 5)

2018-09-13 18:14:13.773 tid:   6932 [ERR ][fcc ]: storage.c:131:storage_file_write:<=== Failed to create new file

2018-09-13 18:14:13.774 tid:   6932 [ERR ][fcc ]: key_config_manager.c:206:kcm_item_store:Failed writing file to storage

2018-09-13 18:14:13.775 tid:   6932 [ERR ][fcc ]: fcc_dev_flow.c:96:fcc_developer_flow:<=== Store status: 8, Failed to store mbed.UseBootstrap

2018-09-13 18:14:13.958 tid:   6932 [ERR ][esfs]: esfs_close() failed with bad parameters

2018-09-13 18:14:13.961 tid:   6932 [ERR ][fcc ]: storage.c:366:storage_file_close:<=== Failed closing file (esfs_status 1)

2018-09-13 18:14:14.002 tid:   6932 [ERR ][fcc ]: storage.c:434:storage_file_read_with_ctx:<=== Buffer too small

2018-09-13 18:14:14.003 tid:   6932 [ERR ][fcc ]: key_config_manager.c:309:kcm_item_get_data:Failed reading file from storage (3)

Please reset your credentials and restart pelion-edge:

$ sudo rm -rf /var/snap/pelion-edge/current/userdata/mbed/mcc_config
$ sudo rm -rf /var/snap/pelion-edge/current/userdata/edge_gw_identity
$ sudo snap restart pelion-edge

Edge startup errors

If you see the following error when starting Edge core, you are probably attempting to start Edge core while running on a LiveUSB or LiveCD Ubuntu system:

/snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine: error while loading shared libraries:

    libudev.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This is known to not work. The remedy is to install Ubuntu onto the system or use a virtual machine.

kubelet not displaying ID

  1. Check that kubelet is running:

    $ sudo systemctl status snap.pelion-edge.kubelet.service
  2. Check kubelet logs:

    $ sudo journalctl –u snap.pelion-edge.kubelet -f

    Note: Attempting to register node ... indicates you can't connect.

  3. Check fp-edge:

    $ sudo journalctl –u snap.pelion-edge.fp-edge –f

Most likely, the hosts file on the gateway is not populated. To fix this, revisit the Install Pelion Edge section.

Further reading

To verify the gateway is now available in Pelion Portal, please see our device onboarding documentation.