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Deploying containerized applications

This document contains instructions about using container orchestration.


Getting started

The Pelion Edge subset of Kubernetes provides various tools that the gateway administrator can run from a local workstation for container orchestration. To use Kubernetes tools, such as kubectl, with Pelion, you need to acquire an access key.

Create an access key

  1. Log in to the Pelion Portal.

  2. Create an application. This link takes you to another documentation site.

  3. Navigate to the Access Management section in the menu on the left.

  4. Click on Access keys.

    Note: If the Access keys section is not visible to you, please have your administrator upgrade your account to the administrator level or have the admininistrator create the access key for you.

  5. Click on the New access key button.

  6. Wait for the Create access key dialog box to appear.

  7. Enter a unique and easily recognizable name for your access key in the dialog box.

  8. Select the application the new access key will be associated with.

  9. Give a description for the new access key.

  10. Click Create access key.

    The access key is displayed as plain text, with a Copy to Clipboard button.

  11. Copy the access key to your clipboard. You will use the access key when creating a kubeconfig file.

    Note: You will not see the full access key with its secret part again. Please, copy it to a safe location.

Create a kubeconfig file

Most Kubernetes tools, including kubectl, require a kubeconfig file that contains cluster addresses and credentials for communicating with those clusters.

  1. On your local machine, use this to generate a file:

    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
        server: https://edge-k8s.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com
      name: edge-k8s
    - context:
        cluster: edge-k8s
        user: edge-k8s
      name: edge-k8s
    current-context: edge-k8s
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
    - name: edge-k8s
        token: **YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-HERE**
  2. Fill in your access key where it says YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-HERE.

  3. Put this file in your home directory under ~/.kube/config. If you already have a kubeconfig file, you can merge the cluster, context and user into that file. To select the edge-k8s context, run the kubectl config command on your local machine:

    $ kubectl config use-context edge-k8s

Listing nodes to verify connected gateways

Make sure kubectl can talk to edge-k8s by listing nodes in your account to see which gateways are connected. To list nodes and their node IDs, use:

kubectl get nodes

For more information, please see the Kubernetes documentation.

Deploying a Pod

This example illustrates how to deploy a basic Pod using kubectl and how to use the kubectl logs and kubectl exec command to inspect and interact with the Pod.

Note: The kubectl config credential is now an access key you create in Device Management Portal, making credential management self-service.

  1. Copy this YAML to a file pod.yaml, and replace nodeName YOUR-NODE-ID-HERE with your node's ID (from kubectl get nodes):

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: test-pod
      automountServiceAccountToken: false
      hostname: test-pod
      nodeName: **YOUR-NODE-ID-HERE**
      - name: client
        image: alpine:3.9
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c","echo 'hello'; sleep 6000000"]
  2. Deploy this Pod:

    $ kubectl create -f pod.yaml
    pod/test-pod created
    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME       READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    test-pod   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          9s
    $ kubectl get pods
    test-pod   1/1     Running   0          85s
  3. View Logs:

    $ kubectl logs test-pod
  4. Execute commands:

    $ kubectl exec -it test-pod -- sh
    / # echo "hi"
    / # ls
    bin dev etc home lib media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
    / # exit
  5. Delete the Pod when finished:

    $ kubectl delete pod test-pod

Configuring a Pod

You can use ConfigMaps and Secrets to configure Pods. This example creates a ConfigMap and Secret and shows how you can mount them as volumes inside a Pod.

  1. Create a ConfigMap in my-cm.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: my-cm
      example.txt: my config map
  2. Create a Secret in my-secret.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: my-secret
    type: Opaque
      example.txt: bXkgc2VjcmV0Cg==
  3. Use kubectl to create the ConfigMap and Secret:

    $ kubectl create -f my-cm.yaml
    configmap/my-cm created
    $ kubectl create -f my-secret.yaml
    secret/my-secret created
  4. Create pod.yaml, and replace nodeName YOUR-NODE-ID-HERE with your node's ID:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: test-pod
      automountServiceAccountToken: false
      - args:
        - -c
        - echo "$(cat /my_secret/example.txt /my_cm/example.txt)"; sleep 6000000
        - /bin/sh
        image: alpine:3.9
        name: client
        - mountPath: /my_secret
          name: examplesecret
        - mountPath: /my_cm
          name: examplecm
      hostname: test-pod
      nodeName: **YOUR-NODE-ID-HERE**
      - name: examplecm
          name: my-cm
      - name: examplesecret
          secretName: my-secret
  5. Use kubectl to create the Pod.

    $ kubectl create -f pod.yaml
    pod/test-pod created
  6. View Logs:

    $ kubectl logs test-pod
    my secret
    my config map
  7. Execute commands:

    $ kubectl exec -it test-pod -- sh
    / # ls /my_secret/example.txt
    / # cat /my_secret/example.txt
    my secret
    / # ls /my_cm/example.txt
    / # cat /my_cm/example.txt
    my config map/ # exit
  8. Delete the Pod when finished:

    $ kubectl delete pod test-pod

Service discovery

Pods often represent different applications on a gateway that need to talk to one another. Rather than using a static IP address for one of the Pods, use a Pod's hostname when addressing it and use DNS for service discovery.

  1. Create test-pod.yaml, and replace nodeName YOUR-NODE-ID-HERE with your node's ID:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: test-pod
      automountServiceAccountToken: false
      hostname: test-pod
      nodeName: **YOUR-NODE-ID-HERE**
      - name: client
        image: alpine:3.9
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c","echo 'hello'; sleep 6000000"]
  2. Use kubectl to create test-pod:

    $ kubectl create -f test-pod.yaml
    pod/test-pod created
  3. Create nginx-pod.yaml, and replace nodeName YOUR-NODE-ID-HERE with your node's ID:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: nginx
      automountServiceAccountToken: false
      - image: nginx:1.17
        name: nginx
      hostname: nginx
      nodeName: **YOUR-NODE-ID-HERE**
      restartPolicy: Always
  4. Use kubectl to create nginx:

    $ kubectl create -f nginx-pod.yaml
    pod/nginx created
  5. Execute a shell inside the test-pod. The host name nginx resolves to the IP address of the nginx Pod. After installing curl inside test-pod, you can make an HTTP request to the nginx Pod using a curl command:

    $ kubectl exec -it test-pod -- sh
    / # nslookup
    BusyBox v1.29.3 (2019-01-24 07:45:07 UTC) multi-call binary.
    Usage: nslookup HOST [DNS_SERVER]
    Query DNS about HOST
    / # nslookup nginx
    nslookup: can't resolve '(null)': Name does not resolve
    Name:      nginx
    Address 1:    k8s_POD_nginx_default_140806bb-30cc-11ea-83d4-627982ffddac_0.edgenet
    / # apk add curl
    fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.9/main/x86_64/   APKINDEX.tar.gz
    fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.9/community/x86_64/   APKINDEX.tar.gz
    (1/5) Installing ca-certificates (20190108-r0)
    (2/5) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.35.1-r1)
    (3/5) Installing libssh2 (1.9.0-r1)
    (4/5) Installing libcurl (7.64.0-r3)
    (5/5) Installing curl (7.64.0-r3)
    Executing busybox-1.29.3-r10.trigger
    Executing ca-certificates-20190108-r0.trigger
    OK: 7 MiB in 19 packages
    / # curl
    curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information
    / # curl http://nginx
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
        body {
            width: 35em;
            margin: 0 auto;
            font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
    <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
    <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p>
    <p>For online documentation and support please refer to
    <a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/>
    Commercial support is available at
    <a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p>
    <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>
    / # exit
  6. Delete the Pods when finished:

    $ kubectl delete pod test-pod
    $ kubectl delete pod nginx

Best practices

  • When deleting a gateway through the Device Management API, be sure to delete the nodes associated with it through the Kubernetes API.

    To delete nodes, use:

    kubectl delete node <node-name>

    For more information, please see the Kubernetes documentation.

  • Set hostNetwork to false to access Pelion Edge's Container Network Interface (CNI) instead of using the host's networking namespace directly.